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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Book Review: The Promised Land

In this short story, THE PROMISED LAND, author Omoruyi Uwuigiaren discusses Moses and how he disappointed God by not following His will.

God also explains to Moses what he did that made him angry. He says it’s normal to get angry, but it’s wrong if you can’t control that anger. Something for each of us to think about, when we are about to lose our temper, perhaps.

In each of the chapters, God talks to Moses. THE PROMISED LAND is a reminder to the reader, in very specific words, of how much God loves us. And, in spite of our doing things that anger God, He takes us home to Heaven when it’s our time. To me, that shows His love. What do you think?

This story would make a nice addition to your home library. It would be good to read every now and then, especially when you need encouragement of how God is always with us, in good times and in bad.

·         Release Date: February 17, 2019
·         ISBN: 9781386895091
·         Language: English
·         Download options: EPUB 2 (DRM-Free)

Omoruyi Uwuigiaren is a Nigerian who writes middle grade adventure fiction and picture books. Some of his books include: The Adventures of Nihu, the City Heroes and other stories from the heart of Africa, the Mystery of Taiwo Da Silva, the Promised Land, Jane the Good Girl, Shadows in a River, the Little Okon and the Outside World, Giant in a Hut and the Little King.
Ruyi is the founder of Ruyi's World of Books and Stories. His literary works and short stories have appeared on Moronic Ox Literary and Cultural Journal, Town Crier Times, the Story of a Writer, Qwerty Thoughts, the Guardian, and the Vanguard Newspapers.

Happy Reading.

Meet the Reviewer...

Beverly Stowe McClure
Most of the times you'll find Beverly in front of the computer, writing stories young voices whisper in her ear. Other times she's snapping pictures of wildlife, clouds, and flowers. She has fifteen books published for children and teens, some of them award winners, like the Children's Literary Classics, Sharp Writ Awards, and Next Generation Indie Awards, as well as others. 

To relax she plays the piano. Her kitties don't appreciate good music and hide when she tickles the ivories. 

She hopes you enjoy her novels and picture books.